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Guided tour of the Cathedral


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Guided tour of the Cathedral

The Aachen Cathedral is a Special Kind of World Heritage Site. The core of this building is more than 1200 years old. Charlemagnes Church of St. Mary Has Developed Into One Of The Most Interesting Cathedral of Western Europe. Coronation Church of German Kings, Burial Site of Charlemagne and Major Pilgrim-Age Church-The Aachen Cathedral is a 'Must' For Anyone Who Loves Historic Buildings and Churches.

MeetingPoint & Tickets: Domindformation (Tickets Cannot Be reserved!)
Language: EN
Grade: On the occasion of special events guided tours of the Cathedral may not take place as usual or be postponed (

General information

Bad weather offer
Target group: young people
Target group adults
Target group families
Target group seniors
for children (from 10 years)
  • Registration required
  • Tourist event

Reduced price for: Pupils, students, trainees, persons with a disabled person's pass

Price adult: €7.00
Price reduced: €5.00

All appointments

Arrival & contact

Cathedral information

52062 Aachen


Cathedral information

52062 Aachen

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