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Rose Monday procession

Rose Monday procession in Aachen

Key facts at a glance



Plan a visit

One of the highlights of the Aachen Carnival is the Rose Monday parade.

With well over 100 wagons and foot soldiers, the large Aachen Rose Monday procession moves across the city. In addition to a lot of camels (sweets that are thrown), there is also a lot of music and celebrating jesters. The crowning glory of the procession is the magnificent car of the reigning Aachen carnival prince.

The route of the Rose Monday procession

Adalbertsteinweg, Wilhelmstrasse, Theaterstrasse, Theaterplatz, Elisenbrunnen, Peterstrasse, Komphausbadstrasse, Seilgraben, Minoritenstrasse, Großkölnstrasse, Markt, Jakobstrasse, Karlsgraben, Templergraben.


Rose Monday procession in Aachen
Rose Monday procession in Aachen

General information

Target group: young people
Target group adults
Target group families
Target group seniors
for children (all ages)
for groups
for families
  • Open air

All appointments

Arrival & contact

Aachen city center

52062 Aachen


AKV - Aachen Carnival Association founded in 1859 eV

Kurhausstraße 2c
52062 Aachen

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