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"The Blue Bird"

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A world-famous and style-defining play by Maurice Maeterlinck

The siblings Tyltyl and Mytyl live their lives as typical “Gen Z” teenagers in a middle-class family. Then a fairy appears in her living room and asks her to look for the “blue bird”. This "bird of happiness" is supposed to heal the fairy's sick daughter. But she doesn't send the young people on the journey alone. With a magic diamond she brings the “souls of things” to life, i.e.: sugar, bread, water, fire and the souls of dogs and cats. This illustrious troupe now embarks on a journey through fantastic landscapes such as the “Palace of Night”, the “Land of Memory” and the “Empire of the Future” to find the blue bird and happiness. A fairy tale for everyone that carries over into today: How do we actually look for happiness?


General information

Bad weather offer
for any weather
Target group: young people
Target group adults
for groups
  • Advance ticket sales
  • Tickets at the box office

Price adult: €26.00

For advance ticket sales

All appointments

Arrival & contact

Theater Aachen

Theaterplatz 1
52062 Aachen

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